Laser Hair Removal – We Promise No Hidden Fees!
When it comes to laser hair removal in New York City, many providers have hidden fees. They advertise one rate for laser hair removal in a certain area, then add fees. At Manhattan Laser Centers, we deliver exceptionally high quality, full laser hair removal treatments that cover all necessary parts within the price we advertise. No two people are alike, which is why all of our laser hair removal services take aesthetics and customization into consideration.
Laser hair removal prices are based on the size of the area. In some cases, we do recommend additional treatments and will disclose this up front. For instance, a gentleman with a lot of thick chest hair connected to his back hair may need laser hair removal on his back, sides and chest. Many laser hair removal centers will either charge extra for this without disclosing, or, they will intentionally not treat the sides and leave a straight line, which does not produce a desired outcome.
When it comes to laser hair removal on the shoulders, we evaluate how much of the upper arm should be included to make it look natural. We also take into consideration how much of the arm should treated so that the client does not need to purchase a separate package to achieve the desired look. We also go the extra mile to make the hair fade in from the untreated portion. We do the same for the upper arms while treating the shoulders.
Our price lists are transparent and straightforward. Best of all, we do not have the hidden fees of many laser hair removal providers in NYC. Here is a breakdown of what is included with each body part:
- Lower legs – includes knees and feet (if necessary)
- Lower arms – includes hands
- Full legs – includes thighs knees feet
- Face – includes the front of the neck, cheeks, and any other area that may have hair (i.e. sideburns, forehead, etc.)
- Chest – includes stomach and sides
- Buttocks – includes the center (Brazilian)
- Back and Shoulders – includes entire shoulders front and back (all the way to the chest hair), back of the neck, hairline, the sides and half of the upper arms. This is the only item men need to purchase to get rid of their back hair.
If you are looking for affordable, experienced, fair-priced laser hair removal, New York City residents need to look no further. Contact Manhattan Laser Centers and make your appointment today!